Dear Seller We have received complaints that your products are not compliant with theWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Requlations 2013 ( " WEEERegulations " ) Upon registering as a Seller on the Amazon Marketplace , youagreed certain terms within the BSA , including : s-1 . 1 Products and ProductInformation : You will also ensure that Your Materials , Your Productsincluding packaging ) and the offer and subsequent sale of any of the sameon any Amazon Site comply with all applicable Laws ( including all minimumage , marking and labelling requirements ) . This compliance with all applicablelaws includes the WEEE Regulations when selling electrical or electronicequipment within the United Kingdom . If you do not take steps to addressthe reported non-compliance within 30 days , then your listings will beemoved from the Amazon Marketplace . To assist , please see below
亲爱的卖家我们收到的投诉是您的产品不符合2013年废弃电气和电子设备要求(“WEEERegulations”)在亚马逊商城注册成为卖家后,您同意BSA中的某些条款,包括:s-1。 1产品和产品信息:您还将确保您的材料,您的产品(包括包装)以及任何亚马逊网站上任何相同的要约和后续销售均符合所有适用法律(包括所有最小图像,标记和标签要求)。 在英国境内销售电气或电子设备时,遵守所有适用的法规包括WEEE法规。 如果您未在30天内采取措施添加报告的违规行为,那么您的商家信息将从亚马逊商城获取。 如需协助,请参阅下文